Perspectives of Heat Stroke Shield: An IoT based Solution for the Detection and Preliminary Treatment of Heat Stroke


  • S. Javed Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Jinnah University for Women, Pakistan
  • S. Ghazala Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Jinnah University for Women, Pakistan
  • U. Faseeha Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Jinnah University for Women, Pakistan


Heat stroke is considered a major problem in Karachi, with a considerable number of people recorded as victims each year. The proposed Internet-of-Things (IoT) based heat stroke shield works under heat stroke conditions, depending on a heat index value (atmospheric temperature and humidity). The system comprises of a wristband, a hardware kit and an alert system which can pre-notify a wearer regarding his body parameter readings. Moreover, the system can also work as a problem solver, in heat stroke condition, by showering water on the victim. In both cases, an alert will also be generated to the wearer’s caretakers with his GPS location.


Internet-of-Things, gsm module, heat stroke, wearable


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How to Cite

Javed, S., Ghazala, S. and Faseeha, U. 2020. Perspectives of Heat Stroke Shield: An IoT based Solution for the Detection and Preliminary Treatment of Heat Stroke. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 2 (Apr. 2020), 5576–5580. DOI:


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