Variable Gain PI Controller Design For Speed Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor Using State-Space Nonlinear Approach


  • T. Mohammed Chikouche Department of Electrotechnics, University of Saida, Algeria
  • A. Mezouar Department of Electrotechnics, University of Saida, Algeria
  • T. Terras Department of Electrotechnics, University of Saida, Algeria
  • S. Hadjeri Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria


This paper presents a comparison between a variable gain PI controller and a conventional PI  controller used for speed  control with an indirect field orientation control of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor (DFIM), fed by two PWM inverters with a separate DC bus link. By introducing a new approach for decoupling the motor’s currents in a rotating (d-q) frame, based on the state space input-output decoupling method, we obtain the same transfer function (1/s) for all four decoupled currents. Thereafter, and in order to improve control performance, the VGPI controller was used for speed regulation. The results obtained in Matlab/Simulink environment illustrate the effectiveness of the technique employed for the decoupling and for speed regulation.


doubly fed induction motor (DFIM), input output decoupling, field-oriented control, variable gain PI controller, conventional PI controller


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How to Cite

Mohammed Chikouche, T., Mezouar, A., Terras, T. and Hadjeri, S. 2013. Variable Gain PI Controller Design For Speed Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor Using State-Space Nonlinear Approach. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 3, 3 (Jun. 2013), 433–439. DOI:


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