Achieving Optimal Degrees of Freedom for an Interference Network with General Message Demand


  • Z. Samadi School of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Iran
  • V. T. Vakili School of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Iran
  • F. Haddadi School of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Iran
Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 3141-3148 | August 2018 |


The concept of degrees of freedom (DoF) has been adopted to resolve the difficulty of studying the multi-user wireless network capacity regions. Interference alignment (IA) is an important technique developed recently for quantifying the DoF of such networks. In the present study, a single-hop interference network with K transmitters and N receivers is taken into account. Each transmitter emits an independent message and each receiver requests an arbitrary subset of the messages. Using the linear IA techniques, the optimal DoF assignment has been analyzed. Assuming generic channel coefficients, it has been shown that the perfect IA cannot be achieved for a broad class of interference networks. Analytical evaluation of DoF feasibility for general interference channels (IFCs) is complicated and not available yet. Iterative algorithm designed to minimize the leakage interference at each receiver is extended to work with general IFCs. This algorithm provides numerical insights into the feasibility of IA, which is not yet available in theory.


interference channel, interference alignment, degrees of freedom, channel state information


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How to Cite

Z. Samadi, V. T. Vakili, and F. Haddadi, “Achieving Optimal Degrees of Freedom for an Interference Network with General Message Demand”, Eng. Technol. Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 3141–3148, Aug. 2018.


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