A Dilated Trigonometrically Equipped Algorithm to Compute Periodic Vibrations through Block Milne’s Implementation


  • J. G. Oghonyon Department of Mathematics, Covenant University, Nigeria
  • S. A. Bishop Department of Mathematics, Covenant University, Nigeria
  • K. S. Eke Department of Mathematics, Covenant University, Nigeria
Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 3126-3129 | August 2018 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.2021


This paper intends to investigate the use of a dilated trigonometrically equipped algorithm to compute periodic vibrations in block Milne's implementation. The block-Milne implementation is established by developing a block variable-step-size predictor-corrector method of Adam’s family using a dilated trigonometrically equipped algorithm. The execution is carried out using a block variable-step-size predictor-corrector method. This system has significant advantages that include the varying step-size and finding out the convergence-criteria and error control. Convergence-criteria and operational mode are discussed to showcase the accuracy and effectuality of the proposed approach.


dilated trigonometrically equipped algorithm, block- Milne’s device, convergence-criteria, max errors, principal-local- truncation-error


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How to Cite

J. G. Oghonyon, S. A. Bishop, and K. S. Eke, “A Dilated Trigonometrically Equipped Algorithm to Compute Periodic Vibrations through Block Milne’s Implementation”, Eng. Technol. Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 3126–3129, Aug. 2018.


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