Numerical Modeling of a Pile Group Subjected to Seismic Loading Using the Hypoplasticity Model


  • A. S. Jawad Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • B. S. Albusoda Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 12 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 9771-9778 | December 2022 |


Various simple and complicated models have been utilized to simulate the stress-strain behavior of the soil. These models are used in Finite Element Modeling (FEM) for geotechnical engineering applications and analysis of dynamic soil-structure interaction problems. These models either can't adequately describe some features, such as the strain-softening of dense sand, or they require several parameters that are difficult to gather by conventional laboratory testing. Furthermore, soils are not completely linearly elastic and perfectly plastic for the whole range of loads. Soil behavior is quite difficult to comprehend and exhibits a variety of behaviors under various circumstances. As a result, a more realistic constitutive model is needed, one that can represent the key aspects of soil behavior using simple parameters. In this regard, the powerful hypoplasticity model is suggested in this paper. It is classified as a non-linear model in which the stress increment is stated in a tonsorial form as a function of strain increment, actual stress, and void ratio. Eight material characteristics are needed for the hypoplastic model. The hypoplastic model has a unique way to keep the state variables and material parameters separated. Because of this property, the model can implement the behavior of soil under a variety of stresses and densities while using the same set of material properties.


constitutive modeling, hypoplasticity, pile, PLAXIS 3D, seismic loading


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How to Cite

Jawad, A.S. and Albusoda, B.S. 2022. Numerical Modeling of a Pile Group Subjected to Seismic Loading Using the Hypoplasticity Model. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 6 (Dec. 2022), 9771–9778. DOI:


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